Defining Depression: Not Just Feeling Down

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Everyone has moments in life where they feel down. Sadness, hopelessness and loneliness are entirely natural human emotions and experiencing them is not, in and of itself, evidence of a mental health problem or disorder. In fact, those who are unable to feel lonely or "blue" are probably more likely to have a serious difficulty of some sort as those who can!
So, if experiencing sadness isn't a demonstration of depression, what is? At what point does one move from simply experiencing the highs and lows of life normally to having a problem that requires attention?
There is no clear bright line separating sadness or a "low" feeling from depression. However, those who feel this way often or for a prolonged period of time may have a problem that justifies additional investigation and concern. When one experiences these down feelings and they don't subside, they may be suffering from depression.
Depression is a disorder that impacts all areas of one's life. It tends to change appetites, sleeping patterns, feelings of self-worth and self-esteem, and one's ability to function normally.
When one is depressed, they cannot simply make the problem go away with willpower or dedication. The low feelings don't simply disappear because one wants them to do so, and without intervention those feelings and their awful side effects can last for extended periods of time.
There are many ways people try to cope with depression and these coping processes can lead to more problems if the person is unable to master the" skills" needed.
"How can you feel like mastering any skills when you are in the depths of the depression" you ask.
I feel the first step is Defining what are the signs and symptoms

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