The Top 3 Current Weight Loss Products on the market:
Lose Weight Fast System is a diet and fitness system for the female body that has taken a new approach to weight loss for women.
The Fat Loss Factor is A 12-week online weight loss program that involves a comprehensive diet and exercise regime in combination with supportive activities such as goal-setting and stress management.
Customized Fat Loss is a nutrition and workout program to help you burn off unwanted body fat and lose weight so you can get that great, healthy and sexy body.
Every now and then a patient will tell me that their urine looks "funny" sometimes. When I ask them what they mean by that, they invariably tell me that it seems to change colors. They're concerned if these color changes are anything to worry about. Here's what I tell them:
What Color Is Your Urine?
Urine can be different colors throughout the day depending on the amount of urochrome, a natural pigment, formed by the breakdown of red blood cells, which is present in urine.
Urine is the end-product of a complex filtration system that takes place in your kidneys constantly. What you drink, what medications/vitamins you take, what food you eat, how much water you drink, how hot or cold it is outdoors, can all affect urine color daily.
Usually, urine is much darker and concentrated on the first void, or urination, of the day. This is because it has collected in your bladder for several hours overnight. It's not unusual, then, to see dark yellow, dense-looking urine in the morning.
As the day goes on, however, if you're not on medications or vitamins that contain coloring pigments, the color and density of your urine should lighten to pale yellow. If it does not, this may indicate infection or kidney problems that require medical attention.
Urine Color and Its Varied Meanings
As I reassure my patients, usually urine color changes are temporary from things we've eaten or drank and usually are just a good sign that our kidneys are filtering "foreign" substances out of our bodies. A little more water intake will help flush those substances out and return your normal urine color. Here are some examples of things that can sometimes turn your urine an unusual, but harmless, color:
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