The Top 3 Current Weight Loss Products on the market:
Lose Weight Fast System is a diet and fitness system for the female body that has taken a new approach to weight loss for women.
The Fat Loss Factor is A 12-week online weight loss program that involves a comprehensive diet and exercise regime in combination with supportive activities such as goal-setting and stress management.
Customized Fat Loss is a nutrition and workout program to help you burn off unwanted body fat and lose weight so you can get that great, healthy and sexy body.
Leadership is back in fashion. Of course, it never truly disappears from the front line of management. But when the Harvard Business Review devotes a whole issue to the subject, it's clear that leadership has passed into the conspicuous phase of its attention cycle. That isn't surprising. The horrendous cases such as Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Ahold, Hollinger, Parmalat and the Wall Street investment bank scandals that have burst into the headlines plainly share a common factor: either lack of leadership or much too much of the wrong kind.
Identifying wrongness is easier than identifying what constitutes the good in leadership. Creating a rotten, pervasive climate of amoral greed (Enron) is wrong: so is the equally greedy pursuit of headlong, heedless growth by acquisition (WorldCom): so is sustaining unreal growth by tricky accountancy (Ahold): so are common thievery (Parmalat) and its close relative, financing a private lifestyle with public company millions (Tyco and Hollinger). As for the Wall Street financiers who aided, abetted and co-authored the frauds, their leadership was apparently confined to counting its own individual and collective loot.
The obvious negatives do help to establish some of the positives. A good leader, for example, lays down and maintains the basic values of honesty and truthfulness which are vital for good management. But how does the latter differ from good leadership? Everybody knows that good businessmen and women may be bad managers - hence the failures of entrepreneurial businesses that introduce effective management either too late or not at all. But whether a good manager can truly be bad at leading is quite another matter.
I once asked a revered Japanese CEO, Ryuzaburo Kaku of Canon, how it was that he, having spent his whole career in financial functions, had achieved such a spectacular success at leading the company onwards and upwards to world eminence. He was surprised by the question: he wasn't a finance man, he explained politely - he was a businessman. He showed me (as he showed every visitor, I suspect) an old piece of paper which made his point. As a young finance executive, he had plotted Canon's profits against its new product introductions.
Every time the latter rose, so did profits, after a suitable interval - and vice versa.
On achieving power, Kaku promptly followed the logic of his observation, demanding and getting more new products, and reaping the anticipated golden harvest. His leadership was both good business and excellent management. Astute business people know the key importance of keeping the product or service offer fresh and vibrant. A good manager understands that excellent analysis will tell you where to direct organisational effort in order to obtain the best returns.
Whether you approach from the business or the managerial side, the next stage is the same. Action must follow. Decision without action is no better than indecision - indeed, in one way a whole lot worse, since it involves expending and wasting so much energy. I have previously mentioned a dearly loved editor of whom it was said,
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