Cognitive Therapy and Weight-loss

The Top 3 Current Weight Loss Products on the market:

Lose Weight Fast System is a diet and fitness system for the female body that has taken a new approach to weight loss for women.

The Fat Loss Factor is A 12-week online weight loss program that involves a comprehensive diet and exercise regime in combination with supportive activities such as goal-setting and stress management.

Customized Fat Loss is a nutrition and workout program to help you burn off unwanted body fat and lose weight so you can get that great, healthy and sexy body.

Weight-loss is about majoring in the majors; it's not about how you "butter your bread."
Often, people can be obsessive with weight-loss behavior. Weight-loss and weight maintenance can become a ritualistic, compulsive cycle. Charlie Whitfield, author and addictions expert calls the pattern the "repetition cycle." Anxiety and depression mount, followed by the urge to eat, leading to self-indulgence, and ending with symptoms of self-blame and guilt. Then the cycle of abuse repeats itself. Ironically, those who follow an addictive quest to lose weight may actually end up sabotaging their own goals.
Self-defeating thinking and behavior tend to foster the cycle of unhealthy eating. No amount of exercise or nutritional support will address the need for individuals to learn to rationally respond to their troublesome eating patterns. Unhealthy eaters are usually overwhelmed by self-blame. A downward spiral is set in motion by the way the person views himself. Unhealthy eaters will label themselves as being "fat" (whether they are or not), and will chastise themselves for not making progress in losing weight. Viewing oneself as an "overweight louse" is not an effective motivator for change. In fact, browbeating oneself for being less than perfect only aggravates the cycle of unhealthy eating abuse. Self-blame is a form of tyranny which keeps one stuck in the midst of the problem.
Most unhealthy eaters experience thwarted anger. Rather than direct their resentment at the source of their difficulties, they self-destruct by internalizing their anger and directing it toward themselves through their eating behavior. They may feel frustrated by the conditional nature of a relationship, may have had a family member who humiliated them about their weight, or experienced rejection through social betrayal. As confidence was stripped away, they developed a negative concept of self which fueled their unhealthy eating pattern. The self-blaming message is, "I guess I really am a slob, so the best I can do is to continue to prove it to myself."
Unhealthy eaters can untwist their "crazy thinking" and meet their weight goals by:

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