The Top 3 Current Weight Loss Products on the market:
Lose Weight Fast System is a diet and fitness system for the female body that has taken a new approach to weight loss for women.
The Fat Loss Factor is A 12-week online weight loss program that involves a comprehensive diet and exercise regime in combination with supportive activities such as goal-setting and stress management.
Customized Fat Loss is a nutrition and workout program to help you burn off unwanted body fat and lose weight so you can get that great, healthy and sexy body.
If you are reading this, I assume you have a stalled project and you want to get it moving again. Here are some tools you can try, developed over the course of my work with hundreds of clients. Review them all, and then try one. If that works, great, you're going! If not, ask yourself what you learned. Perhaps you learned that a particular system or technique didn't work. That may sound like failure, but it's not, it's success, and through experimentation you will find what works and what doesn't. Edison had to try hundred of materials before he had a light bulb that worked, and each attempt was a success, he learned one more thing that didn't work, until he found the one that did. That said, here are the tools:
1. Establish routines (and eliminate distractions)
OK, I actually hate the word "routine," I prefer to think of it as a "groove." The point is, you set aside predictable work time at frequent intervals that work well with your personal rhythms, and you tune out all distractions. So, maybe you come to work early and spend from 7 - 8 am with your office door closed. Maybe you hide in a Starbucks across the street or in a conference room from 3 - 5. You turn off, or at least ignore, your BlackBerry and let people know you want to concentrate. You need to protect this time, make sure you don't get sucked into meetings, emergencies, or water-cooler chat. Also, find a place that works for you. When I was first working on my dissertation, I was in my home office in the basement with no people around. Perfect, right? Wrong, I am a people-person, I went nuts, and I got distracted by laundry and the cats. When I started working at a café, my productivity shot up. That's me. What works for you? Maybe music helps, bring your iPod, maybe you need sunlight, or quiet, whatever works for you, make it pleasant!
Make some notes here about your ideal time, place and work environment: _____________________________________________________________________________________
2. Making explicit the PAIN and GAIN
Sometimes we avoid working on the project because we are afraid of failure, because we feel guilty that we aren't getting more done, because we feel overwhelmed, because we hate the project, so we don't do it
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