7 Keys to Creating a Successful Vision Board

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A new year is here - 2010! What better time to create what you want for this next year. In this article you will learn the 7 keys to creating a successful vision board.
A vision board is a visual representation of your goals and dreams. The 7 keys are designed to attract these in to your life and make them a reality. The process is powerful, easy and fun.
Key #1 - Have the right supplies. Before you create your vision board you are going to want to make sure you have the following items: a poster board, a glue stick, scissors and some magazines. To make this fun and something that you will continue to work on, create a special container to keep them in.
Key #2 - Schedule time to complete your board. This is a very powerful exercise and one that will shape your entire next year. Until you schedule something it does not become real. Make a commitment to yourself some time in the next week to spend 2-3 hours creating this masterpiece.
Key #3 - Create a powerful environment. Your environment is critical to your success. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with things that empower you. When you are making your vision board, light some candles, have some incense burning and play your favorite music. This will all ensure your success.
Key #4 - Identify your "soul sentence" In our vision board programs, we teach you how to create a soul sentence. This is a sentence that rings true to you at your soul level and will govern the choices you make in all areas of your life. An example of a soul sentence: "My purpose in life is to live life joyfully, to help others love life and to help make the world a world that works for everyone." Your soul sentence will light you up when you say it.
Key #5 - Determine individual goals for the following 4 areas: health, relationships, finances, time management. Cut out photos that represent your goals and paste to your Vision Board.
Key #6 - Use our "Remember Forward" technique to powerfully attract in any of your desired goals. This is a laugh outloud, tickle you exercise that lights you up with the realization that you can have anything your heart desires.
Key #7 - Look at your board every single day and feel the feelings you will feel once you have attracted in all of your goals.
Vision Boarding provides a way for you to crystallize your desires and focus on them regularly. To be successful, you need a structure for fulfillment. We have a Vision Boarding program that provides you with structure and support for you to transform worn out New Year's resolutions into achieving your dreams.
The cool thing about Vision Boarding is that you can start a Vision Board at any time during the year - of course it's fun to start in January, but whenever you start, you'll feel an exhilaration. Why? Because you are focusing on what you want in your life! Just purchasing the poster and getting your supplies together is an achievement. I heard someone say that

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