The Top 3 Current Weight Loss Products on the market:
Lose Weight Fast System is a diet and fitness system for the female body that has taken a new approach to weight loss for women.
The Fat Loss Factor is A 12-week online weight loss program that involves a comprehensive diet and exercise regime in combination with supportive activities such as goal-setting and stress management.
Customized Fat Loss is a nutrition and workout program to help you burn off unwanted body fat and lose weight so you can get that great, healthy and sexy body.
Anaphylaxis -Homoeopathic cure
Anaphylaxis is life threatening allergic reaction to certain kind of allergens by the human body. It is an emergency condition and if not responded to immediately, the patient may die. It occurs suddenly and can prove to be fatal or lethal.
We have heard of much about allergic reaction or conditions Allergy depends on the susceptibility of a certain constitution to certain substances, called allergens. There are certain persons that are supersensitive to certain external substances in the environment; which otherwise are not harmful at all. But when these vulnerable persons come in contact with those substances the allergic reaction is triggered of
For example the person who is allergic to dust particles or pollen grains ;when he comes in contact with those otherwise harmless substances ,he starts sneezing, watering of eyes , itching and redness of eyes. These are the symptoms of the allergic reaction triggered by dust particles or pollen grains. Similar is the anaphylactic shock or anaphylactic allergic reaction. The only difference in case of anaphylaxis is that is more sudden, emergent and rapidly developing into exigency It is rather life threatening situation that needs immediate addressal. Small amount of negligence on the part of the physician may cost the patient his life. Our immune system responds to this otherwise harmless substance rapidly. The anaphylaxis of many drugs is well known now. Penicillin is one such drug. The main symptom of anaphylaxis are dyspnoea or immediate stoppage of breath , constriction ,swelling of throat impeding normal respiration , swelling and severe itching of body , arrthymia of heart beat.
Anaphylaxis is an emergent but rare full-body allergic reaction caused by the release of histamine dilating the blood vessels and causing swelling throughout the body. What is histamine? Histamine is a chemical substance released by the mast cells circulating in the blood stream. The histamine release causes number of effects in the human body, the most serious and severe one are the cases including complete obstruction of the airways; a sudden drop in blood pressure; leading to shock and death.
In homoeopathy there are wonderful medicines to tackle and treat this immediate death like situation. About homoeopathy one thing must we kept in mind that here there are no patent drugs like other systems. Homoeopathy is the most individualistic system of medicine. Here each case is unique in itself. The choice of medicine depends on the individual capability and acumen of attending physician and symptoms of the attending case. Every case has its own symptoms and hence medicine. The main symptoms of anaphylaxis may be enumerated as under:
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