10 Tips For Instant Energy

The Top 3 Current Weight Loss Products on the market:

Lose Weight Fast System is a diet and fitness system for the female body that has taken a new approach to weight loss for women.

The Fat Loss Factor is A 12-week online weight loss program that involves a comprehensive diet and exercise regime in combination with supportive activities such as goal-setting and stress management.

Customized Fat Loss is a nutrition and workout program to help you burn off unwanted body fat and lose weight so you can get that great, healthy and sexy body.

Tired all the time? Has your get up and go got up and left? These tips could help you feel invigorated.

1. Switch To Green Tea: Shun your morning coffee and switch to green tea instead. It contains half the amount of caffeine of an average sized cappuccino and yet laboratory studies have found that it still increases mental alertness. Not only that, studies suggest that green tea can slow the growth of some cancers, aid weight loss and lower cholesterol levels too. Fantastic!
2. Beat The Mid Afternoon Slump: It's tempting to reach for something sugary as energy drops. However, when your blood-sugar level rises rapidly, your pancreas responds by releasing a large dose of insulin which will plunge you into an energy slump. Instead, try eating a banana or a handful of nuts for slow-release energy.
3. Flirt: most of us feel like we've no energy for romance and sex, but imagine you're in your sitting room and walks in. Your heart starts to pound and, miraculously, that energy is there. Scientists reckon you can reproduce those feelings by flirting with your partner. Need a little help? Change your routine, wear different clothes and pretend he's a film star.
4. Use Your Nose: Research has shown that the scent of lavender increases alertness and brain function. In the US, a group of students were given maths tests before and after lavender aromatherapy the group completed the tests faster and more accurately afterwards. When you feel yourself drooping, put a few drops on a tissue for a boost.
5. Wear Bright Colors: this really does work. According to research in Canada, looking at red increases your heart rate, blue sparks creativity and yellow makes you feel alert and attentive. In if this seems a claim too far, simply wearing bright colours means people will react to you in a more upbeat way, boosting your mood and improving confidence and self-esteem.
6. Drink More Water: Yes, you've heard it a hundred times before, but dehydration really a sinister cause of exhaustion because it creeps up on you and you don't always feel thirsty the minute your system needs more water. You don't have to drink ridiculous amounts, but keep yourself topped up with two or three glasses on top of tea and coffee throughout the day.
7. Get Your Posture Right: slouching doesn't just make you look tired, it creates the feeling as well. When the joints aren't aligned properly, the body was to work so much harder, your head should always be lined up over your body, so your ears are directly over your shoulders.
8. Get Organized: There's nothing more energy sapping then piles of washing, a messy desk and spending hours trying to find your keys/glasses/ purse. Get organized and watch your energy levels soar. Declutter, find storage for things and choose a regular place for your keys and glasses. Keep on top of housework and do it in regular bursts.
9. Take A Mini Holiday: You don't need a fortnight a Majorca to recharge your batteries. It can take as little as a day. Fritter it away reading, going for walks, wandering around museums and eating lovely food, and make sure you do no work or chores. Sound blissful? Part of the trick is breaking routine and escaping deadlines. Try it and see how your energy levels rise.
10. Take Power Naps: But make sure you do it in a chair don't lie down or you might not get up! You can't do this at work, but on days off or weekends, give yourself a boost. Power naps are best at around 11.30am and 2.30pm, when energy drops. Keep it short 10 to 15 minutes is perfect.

Best New Weight Loss Product:

The 3 Week Diet is a revolutionary new diet system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight — it promises to help you lose more weight — all body fat — faster than anything else you’ve ever tried.

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