The Top 3 Current Weight Loss Products on the market:
Lose Weight Fast System is a diet and fitness system for the female body that has taken a new approach to weight loss for women.
The Fat Loss Factor is A 12-week online weight loss program that involves a comprehensive diet and exercise regime in combination with supportive activities such as goal-setting and stress management.
Customized Fat Loss is a nutrition and workout program to help you burn off unwanted body fat and lose weight so you can get that great, healthy and sexy body.
Past Life Regression is a very flexible tool in the hands of the experienced practitioner. Advanced techniques, stemmed from basic regression work, can help to solve quickly and efficiently a large array of problems, touching many different areas of our lives from spiritual to psychological and even physical. Below are some exciting possibilities to help heal the mind, spirit and body in order to make our present life happier and healthier and pave the way to a happier future.
Balancing Karma helps us to meet karmic partners with whom we have interacted in a negative way in the past, creating negative karma that hampers our evolution. Soul Mates Investigation helps us to discover the history we share with some very special people we know today, investigating our interactions in previous existences. Sometimes the feeling of this "ancient familiarity" surviving in the present context can create confusion, interfering with our present relationship (for example mother and son or two brothers in a previous life, who have now reincarnated as husband and wife).
Spiritual Grief Therapy (which can also include or be included in Grief and Bereavement Counselling) can be of great comfort to those who have difficulty parting from a deceased loved one. It helps them to say good-bye and also gives them an opportunity to say all the things they regret not to have said before the death occurred, so that both the living person and the dead one can be set free and move on, continuing their spiritual journey. Often, in these situations, we also experience an Emotional Release of the stuck energy which was trapped by sadness and bereavement (and which can occur in many different situations). Once this happens, the energy starts flowing again and healing unfolds.
Pathway Meditation is also connected with feelings of regret and guilt that can affect us badly in our everyday life by obstructing and sabotaging our attempts to proceed on the spiritual path. If the client feels that either in this life or in a previous one they took a wrong decision, a decision that caused them and other people suffering and unhappiness, then they can be guided in the exploration of the alternative way, the way they didn't take and which they now perceive as "the right one", "the great missed opportunity". Sometimes, through this guided meditation, the client might discover that perhaps that "wonderful opportunity" was not that wonderful in the end and - even if it was - it's always better to know what one has missed rather than brooding on what might have been, because knowledge is always better than guessing. In such situations Time Line Work is also very successfully employed to heal the entire series of our lives and to undo the chain of negative effects which ensued from that wrong decision like ripples on water. In our human interactions we exchange energy all the time.
Some people - especially in some situations - can steal energy from us (or we from them). There are souls who are (often unknowingly) energy-predators, and they can steal our energy, whereas there are other people who can be particularly vulnerable to such attacks because they have a low protection system and they are energetically too open. The final result is always an energy imbalance that can develop - for the one who has been depleted - into chronic fatigue, depression, low self-esteem and feelings of helplessness, unworthiness and incompleteness. With a technique called Energy Recovery Technique we can rebalance our aura (our shell of energy which encloses our life-force) and by Cutting the Cords of Attachment we can set ourselves free from old connections which we have out-grown and - again - which are preventing us from spiritually evolving.
There are many cases in which - either in this life or in a previous one - we have felt brutally torn away from a person or - more commonly - a place. The Energy Recovery Technique can help us only to a certain degree; sometimes the shock has been so strong (or we have suffered for so long in a certain situation) that a piece of our soul is literally ripped off from us and remains attached to the place where this past event occurred. Soul Retrieval is one of the advanced PLR techniques we offer. It is commonly known as a Shamanic technique, but our method differs greatly from the Shamanic one: in Shamanism it's the Shaman who takes the journey in search of the soul and brings it back and reintegrates it inside the client's energetic field. The client doesn't directly take part in the process and therefore has a totally passive role. What we do instead is to guide the client to the place where the fragment of their soul is, so that they can experience the cathartic beauty of its recognition, and then we help them to reintegrate the lost fragment within themselves. They can then return whole and fulfilled again.
In the case of Soul Retrieval and all those situations in which - for some reason - it's important to see how a far-away place appears today, we can use the Remote Viewing Technique. This technique was first used (in modern times at least) by the CIA during the Cold War for espionage purposes. Psychics were employed for the experiments, which proved to be very successful. The same types of experiments were then duplicated by scientists in laboratories, using
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