The Top 3 Current Weight Loss Products on the market:
Lose Weight Fast System is a diet and fitness system for the female body that has taken a new approach to weight loss for women.
The Fat Loss Factor is A 12-week online weight loss program that involves a comprehensive diet and exercise regime in combination with supportive activities such as goal-setting and stress management.
Customized Fat Loss is a nutrition and workout program to help you burn off unwanted body fat and lose weight so you can get that great, healthy and sexy body.
Daily Calorie Expenditure
An individual's daily calorie expenditure is dependent on a number of factors:
Firstly it will depend on an individual's basal metabolic rate (BMR), which represents the number of calories burned at rest due to metabolic functions within the body. This is approximately equal to 25 calories per kilogram of body mass, per day.
The second factor to be considered is an individual's lifestyle and general activity levels. People who are generally more active throughout the day will consume more calories than an inactive person. Below is an approximation of the additional calories used due to lifestyle activity. This is only an approximation as it is difficult to clearly define levels of activity in this manner:
Sedentary Lifestyle (=BMR + 20 %):
Typical characteristics include having a desk-based job (office worker), driving to work, taking the elevator and not the stairs, etc.
Moderately Active Lifestyle (=BMR + 50%):
Typical characteristics include having a job requiring prolonged periods of standing (nurse or factory worker), walking or cycling to work, taking stairs not elevators, etc.
Very Active Lifestyle (=BMR + 75%):
Typical characteristics include having a manual job (labouring or exercise teacher), walking or cycling to work, taking stairs not elevators, etc.
The third and final factor for consideration relates to formal exercise. During formal exercise there is the potential to expend many calories. The exact quantity will depend on the type of activity, the participant's weight and the intensity. Most cardiovascular machines in a health centre will calculate the calories expelled based on a person's weight and the intensity at which they are exercising. Below is a list of the approximate amount of calories burned in an hour for each given activity. These are only approximations and do not take into account the participant's body weight, or the intensity of the activity:
· Aerobic Dancing 550
· Basketball (recreational) 450
· Bicycling (13 mph) 600
· Circuit training 650
· Jogging (6 mph) 650
· Swimming (40 m/min) 500
· Tennis (recreational) 450
· X-country Skiing (5 mph) 650
Approximation of Weekly Calorie Expenditure
Firstly, calculate you BMR:
BMR = Weight (kg) x 25 =
Next, include the additional calories relating to your activity level:
Sedentary Lifestyle = BMR x 1.2 =
Moderately Active Lifestyle = BMR x 1.5 =
Very Active Lifestyle = BMR x 1.75 =
Next multiply this value by 7 for the days of the week:
BMR x Activity Factor x 7 =
Finally, add the number of calories expended during formal exercise throughout the week:
BMR x Activity Factor x 7 + Calories Expended During Formal Exercise =
This gives you the total quantity of calories expended in a given week.
Approximation of Weekly Calorie Intake
There are a number of approaches to approximating weekly calorie intake. Food diary analysis and calorie counting are two examples. The information provided in the
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